Back to the Blogging world?

16 08 2009

Really? It has been ages really since I have blogged here. We were out of Cybor land for a while with no internet and then got sucked back into the crazy world of Facebook (which are still actively apart of), but there is something uniquely special about a blog. And since I just randomly had the urge tonight, I decided to write here once again.

So since we have been gone and not updating for so long no one may ever read this and that is fine . . . but maybe I will start back into writing updates every so often again and we can get this back up and running.

Quick family update . . . since lots has happened since our last posting:

I am still working as a manager at Panera Bread. Though my hearts desire is still to start a Christian Theater Company (namely, NarrowWay Productions) and I am working as hard as I can on that!

Sarah is pregnant with our third child, due March 3rd. And she is as sick as ever. NOT FUN! But we are praying that we will be moving out of this stage soon. Rennah says she is praying for twin boys so that she AND Nessa can each have a brother! We are working on the concept of sharing! HAHA!

Rennah is five and full of energy and song! She totally lives up to her name! She will be starting Kindergarten in the fall at home with Sarah.

Nessa is one of the funniest kids I have ever known! You never know what she is going to come up with! She is our little scavenger. If she wants something (especially food or drink) she will find it and get it any way that she can!

We are going to a “new” church, Harvest Bible Chapel of West Olive, MI (formerly Grace Church) and absolutely LOVE it there! We have been attending since September of last year.

I was baptized on August 2nd and we became members of the church. Not sure what God has for our future . . . lots of things up in the air. It’s kind of a waiting and praying game. But life is good and God is SO faithful!