Sarah’s New Business

26 04 2009

I have started on a new and exciting journey! I just had to let you know about it. You might just be able to join me on this journey in some way! Read on and see how.

Tim and I have been living paycheck to paycheck ever since we started getting one. Last year Tim and I really started considering me getting a job, but we really didn’t want me away from the house and our two girls too much. Not to mention the complications of child care and transportation. I also had many fears about learning to manage my time differently, as I have never worked out-side the home before, as well as how I would afford to be trained in any specific field of work. We were both discouraged and at a loss as to what the next step should be. I wanted to help the family some financially and find “my nitch”, but what was that supposed to be?
During this time, I was also having issues with my face. Stay with me, it all fits together!=) For the last 10 years or so I have had very irritated skin on my face, showing up in redness, pimples….more like sores….and lots of itching. After trying many different skin care products over the years and visiting the dermatologist twice with no lasting results, I just excepted the fact that my face would forever be a mess! I tried to cover it as best I could, using concealer, liquid foundation, and then powder. It still itched but at least it wasn’t glaring people in the face.

Well, then a friend of mine called on a day this past August, when our water had been turned off, because we hadn’t the money to pay our bill that month. This friend was an Independent Consultant with Arbonne International, stay at home Mom of three, and very upset about our situation. The Lord used her and another dear friend to help us get our water back on that day, and helped me open up to someone about how bad off our financial situation really was at the time.
As I shared about my trials and burdens with Jodi, she listened and also talked about her home business with Arbonne and how it was working for her and her family. I ended up telling her how much my face was still bugging me. She said…”I CAN HELP!” I wasn’t too sure, but since she was , I gave the Arbonne skin care set she recommended a try. Much to my surprise and delight, in a week I started to see good changes in my face, and in two weeks even my husband, who had seen me try everything under the sun with no results, even noticed that my face was clearing up!! Every month it just kept getting better and better!

So, I ended up going to a little Arbonne coffee time, to hear more information about the business. As I listened to the ladies share how Arbonne fit into their lives and helped their family reach their financial goals, I felt hope begin to stir inside me. I had a feeling I had found what I was supposed to do to help my family financially while at the same time helping other people find help for their different skin care needs. Another thing that really put me at ease was the way Arbonne gives you as many tools and help as possible for their consultants to be a success. They even have a free Arbonne University, where you can learn all about how to have a successful business right on your computer on your own time! They offer great commission and bonuses! But it’s so much more than about the money! It’s about having time and finances to dream and become who God wants you to be and to be more free to bless those around you. And then giving that same gift and opportunity to others.

On November 1st I became an Independent Consultant with Arbonne! Tim and I are both so excited for the endless opportunity that this business offers our family. I must say, I am being stretched in many ways, with time management, self confidence, and discipline, but these are things I know God has wanted to grow in me for a long time.

You might be asking…what’s Arbonne? Why did their skin care work for you when nothing else would? Why would you ever want to “sell” skin care? Let me answer these great questions.

Arbonne is all about developing the highest quality products with the best results out there. They formulate their products in Switzerland, and base their formulas on herbal and botanical principles. That means that they are made from berries, plants, fruits and all things natural! Yummy! Their line has grown over the past thirty years to include, personal care, color nutrition and weight loss. They have one of the top anti-aging lines on the market today! The majority of USA products are formulated with chemicals and fillers….such as Mineral Oil(VERY bad for the skin!) and Animal product. The goal of most company’s is to either cover the issue or topically kill it so it won’t ” brake-out” on top. Arbonne on the other hand wants to target the deeper levels of the skin cells not just treat the top. They are very careful about what they put in their products, because they want to keep it as pure and natural as possible, but they do use science…so as to be assured of consistent results. So, then every time you use a product it continues to heal, and renew your skin more and more. Their key words are pure. safe. and beneficial. They have things to help people with any number of skin issues. As you read over this list think of your self and those you know and love. Perhaps I could help you find something naturally based that could help you!

Arbonne can help…
*Chronic Dry Skin, *Dry, cracked Feet and Heels, *Psoriasis, *Eczema, *Facial Fine Lines and Wrinkles, *Acne-Adult or Teen, *Age Spots-Skin Sun Damage, *Scares, *Oily/Shiny Face, *Rosacea (that’s what I had!), *Fibromyalgia, *PMS, *Infertility( I have a testimony on this too!! On My website), *Hair Loss, *Insomnia, *Uterine Cancer/Fibroids, *Night Sweats/ Hot Flashes, *Low Energy, *Frequent sickness, *Anxiety, Cold Sores, *Varicose Veins, *Obesity/Overweight, *Cellulite,*Constipation, *Irritable Bowel Syndrome, *Arthritis, *Achy, Painful joints and muscles, *Cardiovascular Problems, *Low Immune Function

Exciting New FC5 Products
Exciting New FC5 Products

All formulas are: –Botanically-based,–pH-correct, –Hypoallergenic, –Dermatologist-tested, –Vegan Approved, –Never tested on animals, –Formulated without animal products or by-products, –Formulated without mineral oil or petroleum, –Formulated without dyes or chemical fragrances.

Now you can see why I would be excited to help people with their skin needs. Arbonne has so much to offer, and it REALLY WORKS!! I’ll be posting up things about my business and testimonies from our family and friends who are finding great results with Arbonne.

If you would like to see all their great stuff you can look around at my website! If you have any questions about products or the business opportunity, please send me an email I look forward to helping you look and feel your best and if you are interested, find the time and money freedom you are looking for through the Arbonne opportunity! Keep Dreaming!

Sarah Dawn~



One response

30 07 2009

Congratulations on your journey!! Arbonne is awesome!!

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