Wonderful Cast Party!

3 03 2007

Last night we had our cast party for Seussical. It was a lot of fun to get back together with everyone, sit back and watch the show, and relive all of the fun memories. God truly blessed us with a LOT of talent and some very AMAZING people to put together our show.

So that chapter has officially closed for us and were are on to bigger and better (well maybe) things. Today has been a good day for Sarah Dawn. She hasn’t thrown up at all and is able to be out of bed and with the family. I think the flu is gone and we will just be dealing with morning sickness for a short time . . . Lord willing.

Tomorrow, my high school ensemble is singing special music at our church, so I am excited about that.

Well, here are a few pictures from our cast party. And to the right of the page are some videos from Seussical. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

Glad you discovered the NEW St. Clair BLOG! Have a great day!

Male Bonding More happy guysHappy Girls

Welcome to our NEW Blog!

2 03 2007

Hey Everyone! We have been out of the blogger world for a while now. Mainly because of the busy schedule with the school musical and more recently, a very sick wife with the pregnancy . . . BUT we are back and in a NEW world of blogging that in my opinion is SO much better and easier to manage. So I am excited about that.

For those of you unfamiliar with WordPress, you should at least check it out. I have tried, MySpace, Xanga, and Blogger AND WORDPRESS is better by a LONG SHOT! So check it out.

Our family is doing okay. Sarah has been struggling with morning sickness but even on top of that, she got the flu as well. The past 5 days have been a struggle as she was unable to keep anything down when she tried to eat. But I think we are on the recovery side of things and she is getting her strength back.

Sarah Dawn has a doctor’s appointment next week. The first one with this pregnancy so we are excited to see how things are going with the baby. Rennah is AMAZING! So much growth and maturity in the past month or so. She is such a blessing to us and is very excited about a new sibling on the way.

So this site is under construction right now as I work on transferring stuff over from other blogs and formatting this one. But I hope to have things in full swing soon. So mark this site down. It’s the new website for the St. Clairs! LOVE YOU ALL!

We have a cast party for Seussical tonight, so in honor of that, here are some photos of the show!

Cast of SeussicalGeneral Gengis Kahn SmitzBird GirlsThe GrinchCat in the HatRennah LOVED Seussical!

Seussical Cast!

20 09 2006

Well, I have gone through the very hard process of play auditions and the casting process. Yesterday, I posted the cast and created quite and excitement around school. Here is a list of the cast for the show this year. Not that any of these names will mean anything to most of you, I just want you to see the large amount of people that I have for the show.

Our Cast!

The Cat In the Hat– Brian Visscher

Horton the Elephant– Chad Adkins

JoJo– Kaleb Beelen

Gertrude McFuzz– Anna Edwards

Mayzie LaBird– Krysta Altvater

Sour Kangaroo– Leah Bartlett

Mayor of Whoville– Paul Hontz

Mayor’s Wife– Abbie Hagger

General Schimtz– Tyler Joldersma

Bird Girls

Sarah Bartlett

Amelia Ozios

Julie Schultz

Wickersham Brothers

Julianne Brown

Chevy Gilliam

Jordan Steele

The Grinch– Sean Little

The Whos

Kallie Baumann

Leah Ebbers

Rachael Ozios

Shanice Taylor

Becky VandenBerg

Judge Yertle the Turtle– Stephen Field


Bethany Folkert

Hannah Hagger

Ashley Joldersma

Rhea Kosten

Lydia NyKamp

Rachel Renzema

Alissa Visscher

That’s it! A total of 29 people! Auditions were awesome and we are all so excited to get started on this show. I will be posting a video from auditions soon! Stay tuned!

Musical in Audition Stage!

8 09 2006

Yes, it’s that time of year again for me! The audition stage for our next school musical. Last year’s play was such a hit that our executive director here asked me to produce and direct another musical this year.

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of really good, family-friendly shows that have small casts like Charlie Brown. So we are having to go BIGGER this year.

“Seussical the Musical” is an extremely fun show and I am really excited about it. This past Wednesday, I had my first meeting for those students that are interested in auditioning this year. I was expecting 20 people tops from our little school. Much to my surprise, I walked into the meeting packed with 46 STUDENTS! I can’t believe how many people are excited about this show! Last year, we had about 18 students audition for Charlie Brown, so this was a HUGE increase! I can only guess that it comes from the awesome show we had last year. People have a new excitement for our theater program. YAY!

Auditions are next Saturday, September 16, so you all can pray that God will give me wisdom in picking our final cast!

The first week of school is almost over and it has gone very well. Enrollment is up again at our school. We topped off the year with 261 students! Last year we had about 245, so this is a big increase! Lots of new students.

Thank you to all of you who left comments for the last post. I guess I was just feeling alone in the blogger world and comments always make me feel like people care and what I am writing and posting is being viewed. So thanks. Pray for Sarah and I as we begin this new school year. I am extrememly excited about what God has in store for us.

Rennah kissing Emily Tuttle (Micah and Alisha’s ne…

7 04 2006

Rennah kissing Emily Tuttle (Micah and Alisha’s new blessing)! Posted by Picasa