Where’s the snow?

12 11 2007

Hey everyone! I am really enjoying having this laptop and being able to remain comfortable in my recliner and still do the work I need to do online. It’s so nice.

So we returned safe and sound from our high school choir retreat and things went really well. I feel like we were able to accomplish what we needed to and learned all of the rest of the music for our Christmas concert. We even got a head start on a couple of songs that the kids will be performing in our Spring concert. God even started a work in several students hearts. I had the opportunity to share a few things I had on my heart and try to challenge the kids in their walk with Christ. God even opened up a door for me to be able to talk with several students. I have such a burden for my students and pray that God will do a deep work in their lives.

WE ARE SO READY FOR THANKSGIVING BREAK!! It’s only about a week away now and we are so ready for the holiday and even more for CHRISTMAS! It is crazy that we haven’t had any nasty weather yet here . . . hopefully we will have snow for Christmas this year. Rennah, however, thinks that as soon as we get snow on the ground, we get to go to Papa’s house and have Christmas. So maybe it’s a good thing we don’t have any snow yet.

Nessa is doing so well with her schedule. She has started sleeping very well at night, usually 5-6 hours before waking up . . . even a couple of nights where she slept 7 hours or more! So life is starting to settle in for the St. Clair family! More later!



One response

13 11 2007
Lacey C.

Tim, what an awesome idea to take the whole choir on a retreat to practice music and have a spiritual time away! It seems unique, and evidently effective! Being on staff at a Christian camp, we are obviously big fans of teen retreats 🙂
Glad to hear Nessa is sleeping so well! Give Sarah Dawn my love!

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